What is the average trucking accident settlement in Florida? 

While truck accidents are a national problem, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that Florida is one of nine states that make up half of all fatal U.S. truck crashes. 

Trucking accidents are among some of the worst personal injury cases we see. If you’ve been involved in a trucking accident and are contemplating your next step, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn about the expenses associated with the settlement you could receive if you’ve been involved in a trucking accident in Florida. 

How trucking accidents are different from the average auto accident

Trucking accidents often involve a corporation with a fully staffed legal team, rather than an individual driver. The trucking industry also has many complex regulations intact that a Florida trucking accident lawyer will be familiar with. 

Accepting an insurance payout or settlement from the at-fault party in a trucking accident may limit the damages you’re entitled to. For some, taking your case to court could result in full damages. 

The trucking accident you’ve been in could result in the payout of a settlement depending on several factors, such as your possible legal fault in the accident, the severity of any injuries you’ve sustained, and the ability of the party responsible to pay your claim.

The different kinds of damages in trucking accident cases 

Consider economic damages in your trucking accident case, including: 

  • Medical bills 

  • Receipts for injury support such as medications, crutches, wheelchairs, braces and physical therapy

  • Lost wages from missing work 

  • Property damage to your vehicle

  • Equipment installation to accommodate injuries such as ramps 

  • Funeral and burial expenses in the result of a death

Injuries increase a settlement cost considerably. You can also receive money in a settlement for non-economic damages, such as: 

  • Disability

  • Emotional stress

  • Decreased quality of life

  • Disfigurement

  • Pain and suffering

Expenses like these require documentation and evidence. As a general rule of thumb, you can expect the average trucking accident’s settlement value to increase with every piece of documentation you as the plaintiff are able to provide. 

Trucking accidents and Florida law 

An experienced Florida truck accident lawyer can help perform a 360-degree analysis of the trucking accident you were involved in and estimate the compensation you may be eligible for. 

At Daniel Sagiv Law Firm, we’ve negotiated with some of Florida’s largest insurers and trucking companies. We have the ability to compile a compelling case in support of a full and fair settlement. 

We recommend setting up a consultation as soon as you’re able in the period following a trucking accident. This will enable your trucking accident lawyer to get a plan in motion regarding your settlement case. We can speak on your behalf to insurance companies and the at-fault party. 

Florida’s statute of limitations gives accident victims four years to file a personal injury lawsuit. Protect your rights and schedule your free consultation with Daniel Sagiv Law Group. 


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